Friday, 24 November 2017

Your Parish Council News in November

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council e-newsletter
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Chairman's Report - Cllr Andrew Johnston
It was with great sadness that we learnt of the death of our Parish Councillor Mick Berry in October and our thoughts and prayers are with Jo, his wife, their two young children, family and friends.

Mick was a stalwart member of Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council having joined early in 2015 and served both as Vice Chairman and as Chairman of the Safer Roads Working Group. Mick was a committed member of the PC, using his professional experience to great effect in both financial and legislative areas and represented the Council at numerous meetings and events as well as being a Governor of the St John the Baptist Primary School in the village.  

It was a privilege to know and work with him and his loss will be widely felt throughout the community.  
Mr Trevor Allison...........Tel  260899     E :

Mr Andrew Johnston(Chair) T  260991 E :

Mr David Spicer...........T 260163          E :

Mrs Avi Sanders Royle ...Tel 261262    E :

Mrs Andrea Hall...... 07713 520245       E:

Mr Simon Gittins.....T 260273                E:

Mr Ryan Harrison.......07736 577955      E:

Mr Scott Denyer..........07357701234      E:

Robert Edwards.......Tel 260451              E:

All above land line telephone numbers are prefixed with STD code 01939
There are now two parish councillor vacancies, should you be interested in applying please contact the Clerk Sue Hackett in the first instance. Contact details can be found below.
The total number of respondents were 85; 25 from paper form and 60 online respondents. Over 90% of the respondents were from Ruyton XI Towns and the age range was spread out, however a large majority of respondents for the paper questionnaire were 70 and over. 59 respondents were female and 25 male.
Majority of respondents' believed that more affordable housing is necessary for the parish.  More bungalows for older residents was also discussed. Over 80% of respondents owned their own home, while 8.3% were in social housing. 58% of those who rented wish to own their home, with money highlighted as the main obstacle.
Only 16% of respondents used village on a daily basis, with 37% occasionally. Times of opening was called as the main reason for not using services. Café Eleven was recognised as the most used with 40% of respondents. 63% never use the bus service and the vast majority believed the bus shelters were adequate.
55% of respondents believe the Parish is clean, with dog fouling and littering cited as problems.  60% believed the hanging basket scheme should be expanded upon and 93% agree with the switching to LED for streetlights. 64% are happy with broadband and 55% happy with mobile signal.
48% of people are in full time employment with 35% working in Shrewsbury.
77% of respondents claim they do not experience problems parking in the parish. 67% say the current speed restrictions are adequate, however 52% claim they not happy with road safety arrangements in the village. With pavement parking, Shotatton crossroads and speeding vehicles being raised as significant concerns.  
The Cliffe is the most used "leisure facility" in the parish and 71% of respondents said they use local Rights of Way and 78% of people say they are well maintained. 25 people said they are interested in joining organised walks.
59% of people agree with the decision to financially help the youth club in Great Ness. 73% of people claim that the services for young people are not meeting their needs. However 84% feel the activities in the parish are sufficient for older generations.
70% agree that it is reasonable for the Parish Council to increase its portion of the Council Tax.

As a result of these outcomes the Parish Council will continue to focus on Road Safety and for the present its recreational sites, having already financially assisted in the renovation of the Memorial Hall i.e. the very popular Cafe Eleven. 
As those who follow our Council website have noted The Cliffe is now "For Sale", and the Parish Council is currently focusing its resources on discussions with the owner Bradford Estate and Shropshire Council; to ensure this open space much valued by local residents is retained for the benefit of the Local Community.

PC 3194 Mark MOTH
Safer Neighbourhood Team
Oswestry Rural South
Tel: 101 - Ext: 5221
Parking on Pavements
The Parish Council & Police still receive complaints of vehicles parking on pavements within the village; particularly where the highway is narrow and the footpath is used. 
Needless to say, both the Police and Parish Council will continue to patrol the village and monitor this issue, but please be warned……if your vehicle is found causing an "Unnecessary Obstruction" you will be dealt with accordingly.
Ruyton PC Safer Roads Group update
Our Safer Roads Working Group have met several times to examine possible measures for traffic calming in the village and have built on the feedback provided by the Questionnaire.

Following on from a speed monitoring survey carried out in September and recent Police speed monitoring checks the Group is appalled at the results; which highlights the seriousness both in terms of frequency and speed of most vehicles.

The most appropriate way forward is to :
however given that this will not be popular the following are being considered:
  • Traffic monitoring system which captures film of vehicles speeding enabling the Police to issue fines to those who exceed the speed limit
  • Raising the height of the pedestrian crossing
  • Creation of a gated village entrance at Olden Lane; effectively highlighting to vehicle users that they are entering the village centre
  • Creating a Voluntary Community Speed Watch Team
The latter two are in the process of being implemented.

Will anyone interested in volunteering on the Speed Watch Team please contact the Clerk Sue Hackett; whose contact details can be found at the end of the newsletter.
World War I Beacon Lighting & Ceremony
This time next year we will have had a beacon lighting and ceremony to commemorate the ending of WWI.  We are looking for a local person who is directly descended from one of those lost during that conflict as well as anyone directly descended from a local person who served in WWI and survived.

Once identified they will have a chance to become the honorary guest at the beacon lighting and may be chosen to light the beacon itself. The beacon lighting ceremony will take place on: 

Sunday 11 November 2018 at 7.00 pm; in a prominent place in the village.

Those named on the existing plaque are:
Samuel Braddick
John Brayne
Charles Cunningham
James Edwards
Edward Hanmer
Albert Haste
Benjamin Jones
Richard Jones
Harry Kilvert
Alec Lewis
George Morgan
Sidney Morris
John W Owen
Richard Sadler
William Stant
Edward Vow
Harry Walker

The names we intend to add to a new plaque are:
Charles H Hanmer
Ernest Lloyd
Alfred Rogers

Please contact the Clerk Sue Hackett or myself should you be that local person or require further information about the event.
Lead Councilor Avi Sanders Royle
Tuesday 5th December 2017   Tuesday 2nd January 2018
Tuesday 6th February 2018

All council meetings usually commence at 7.30p.m. and are held at the Victoria Room at Ruyton. A public session is always held at the beginning of the official meeting, which is your chance as residents to bring up any local issues. 

Clerk's Contact Details:
Sue Hackett can usually be contacted on Tel 01743 719012 or by email
Please note I work part time and there may be a delay in the time I take to respond to you; however if you need a response immediately please contact the Chairman or Vice Chairman in my absence.

The official business address of the Council is Gonsal House, Condover, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY5 7EX. 
Local Plan Review - 'Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development' Consultation
Shropshire Council is continuing to progress with its Local Plan Review.
To inform this review, Shropshire Council is now seeking comments on the second stage of consultation on the Local Plan Review, This consultation ends Friday 22nd December 2017.
The 'Preferred Scale and Distribution of Development' Consultation:
  • Sets out the preferred distribution of growth;
  • Identifies housing and employment growth guidelines for the strategic centre and each principal and key centre;
  • Confirms the methodology which Shropshire Council proposes to adopt to identify a settlement hierarchy in Shropshire;
  • Lists the settlements which form part of this hierarchy, including those that will in future be identified as 'Community Hubs';
  • Proposes draft policies for the management of development within 'Community Hubs' and 'Community Clusters'.
  • Identifies other development requirements which may need to be addressed as part of the Local Plan Review.
If you are interested in being involved in shaping the future of your local area, then Shropshire Council would like to hear from you preferably by completing a questionnaire
which is available on the Shropshire Council website at:
Once completed, the questionnaire can be submitted by:  OR post to: Shropshire Council, Planning Policy & Strategy Team, Shirehall, Shrewsbury, SY2 6ND

The Parish Council will be agreeing their responses at their December meeting; should you wish to contribute to this please contact your local parish councillor.
Please find below the Police Commissioners October newsletter:
Healthwatch Shropshire encourages the local community to have a say on the health and social care in Shropshire.  Their 'Hot Topic' for November and December is podiatry/chiropody services.
They are asking those who use such services for comments about the services, positive and negative, are passed on anonymously.
Contact details:
Finally the Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council would like to wish                       " Everyone a Very Merry Christmas" 
and remind you of a few local events we can look forward to in the forthcoming weeks....

Saturday, 2nd December:             
There is a Coffee Morning to be held by The Friends of Ruyton XI Towns Church  hosted by Mrs Sue Corfield and Mrs Gwennan Jones in Church
Thursday, 7th December               
Cliffe Garden Club: Christmas social evening. Victoria Room at 7.30pm
Tuesday, 12th December              
Ruyton WI: Film and Christmas Party
Friday, 15th December                  
Friends of Ruyton Church: Christmas Tree Festival with Carols, Canapés and the Cliffe Community Choir
Wednesday 20th December
Santa's sleigh arrives in Ruyton some where between 5.00 - permitting...
Our special thanks to those who have contributed and donated to the "Village Christmas Tree", which will be erected by the Parish Council outside Cafe Eleven..very soon!
Ruyton XI Towns PC  are continuing with this e-newsletter campaign,  which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish. However paper copies will be made available in Cafe Eleven and the Victoria Room.

The Parish Council are very grateful for the excellent work Yoland Brown & Margaret Lycett carry out in keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to them for their efforts.

To keep abreast of Parish Council News please go to the website at

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Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Gonsal House
Shrewsbury, Shropshire Sy5 7EX
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