Ruyton PC Safer Roads Group update As you may have noticed the Parish Council has installed gates at the entrance to the village on Olden Lane. (Pictured above.) This is aimed at making motorists aware that they are approaching a village settlement; and should slow down... "20 is Plenty!"
BEWARE - The Volunteer Speed Watch Team is now fully trained by West Mercia Police and armed to catch any would be speed merchants in the village.
Our thanks to these local heroes who are helping to keep our roads safer.....should you want to join the team or find out more please don't hesitate to get in touch with the Clerk for more information.
The Parish Council would welcome your feedback on the website; which has been kindly designed by a member of the community and is at the moment in its infancy. So please be patient!
We are looking to add digital photos of the parish to the website and would welcome any contributions from enthusiastic amateurs. If interested please email David Shearan your pictures at
1st May 2018 at 7.00 p.m. at The Victoria Room, Ruyton XI Towns
Local people are invited to the meeting which is held annually with the aim of keeping people in touch with what is happening in their local community.
An Award is to be presented to the Parish Council for what you may ask ? Why not come and find out...
A short presentation will be given on "Sex Exploitation" find out more please attend. You won't be disappointed.
Local reports will be given by the Chairman of the Parish Council, Safer Roads Group; Local Police Team; Your Local Shropshire Councillor; Village Hall Committee; Local Charity and Ruyton XI Towns Primary School.
An agenda and copy of the Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council Receipts & Payments Account for 2017/18 can be downloaded from the Parish Council's new website:
Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council Chairman's Report - By Andrew Johnston
It's been a busy first quarter of 2018 for the Parish Council (PC) with the installation of the village gates which have been well received and which will be complemented by seasonal flowers to welcome careful drivers.
The PC will once again be sponsoring flower baskets throughout the village; as parishioners and visitors appreciate them. However we are acquiring fewer baskets and engaging a local contractor to look after them.
There are currently two important campaigns which the Council is concentrating their efforts on resolving:
Firstly, Dogs Fouling - Our pavements and play areas in the village are being continually contaminated with this mess. There will now be regular visits from the Shropshire Council Dog Warden so please do always clean up after your pet or risk being reported and fined for your negligence and lack of respect of shared spaces.
Secondly, Speeding Vehicles are still a major problem and the PC is now working with the Safer Roads Partnership to monitor, identify and contact drivers who exceed the limits through the village.
On a more positive note Birch Grove play area is to be enhanced shortly with the installation of a basket swing which has now been purchased.
The Council is commencing on a programme of replacing and upgrading its street lighting with appropriate LED equipment. The capital investment in these programme is estimated to be between £15 - £20,000; practically the annual precept; so please be patient while we endeavor to get this right!
A major and exciting development is that the PC has now agreed to purchase thirty two acres of the Cliffe from the Bradford Estate for the benefit of the Parish and to secure it as a Public Open Space. Costs have been minimised as the PC had already budgeted for spend on the site; this has been redirected to its purchase; together with a grant received from Shropshire Council. The PC looks forward to working closely with its Community and Shropshire Council Countryside to help maintain and enhance this amenity for future generations.
Please do always contact either myself or my fellow councillors with any suggestions or proposals for the benefit of the village we are always open to suggestions.
There are currently TWO parish councillor vacancies and the PC would welcome any additional new members. For more details please contact myself or the Clerk in the first instance.
Tuesday 1st May 2018 - Annual Parish Meeting 7.00 pm & Annual Parish Council Meeting follows approx 8.15 pm Tuesday 5th June 2018 Tuesday 3rd July 2018 Tuesday 28th August 2018
Council meetings usually commence at 7.30p.m. and are held at the Victoria Room on Little Ness Road at Ruyton. A public session is always held at the beginning of the official meeting, which is intended to encourage residents to attend and bring up any local issues.
Clerk's Contact Details: Sue Hackett can usually be contacted on Tel 01743 719012 or by email
The official business address of the Council is Gonsal House, Condover, Shrewsbury Shropshire SY5 7EX. If you are unable to contact me please contact the Chairman Andrew Johnston.
Mondays 10-12 &Fridays 1.30-4 Various days Family and Local History Group drop- in sessions for help with your family and local history enquiries Free weekly IT help sessions 1:1 sessions for help with your computing problems. Book with Library staff. Tuesday 1 11am-12pm Wednesday 2 10am-12pm Reading/Writing surgery with Reader/Writer in Residence Dave Andrews. The surgery is an opportunity for anyone interested in writing to talk informally with Dave about their own work or ideas. Dave is also happy to talk to readers about his particular interests - literature and language. Free drop in event. Hearing Aid Clinic run by NHS volunteers – Free drop in clinic. Tuesday 8, 22 2-3pm Time to Listen - Relax and listen in friendly company as library staff read aloud stories for adults. Free drop in event. Tuesday 9 12.30-1.30pm Finding Your Own Power with PJ Roscoe – Finding your true self in a world full of negativity can be difficult – but you are worth it. Author PJ Roscoe leads the talk. £3. Please book with library staff. Friday 18 12.30-1.30pm Humanism: What is it and why is it important? – Over 50% of the population say they live without religion. Most of them have humanist beliefs, even if they do not call themselves humanists. £3. Please book with library staff. Tuesday 22 12.30-1.30pm Dementia Awareness – George Rook will be speaking about how he is living with dementia, how it was diagnosed, and how he deals with it on a day to day basis. £3. Please book with library staff. Thursday 24 10-1pm Friday 25 12.30-1.30pm Wednesday 30 1.30-3pm Oswestry Makes – Felted Flower workshop – Come and learn how to make felted flowers using wet felting technique. All materials provided. £5. Please book with library staff. The Oswestry Heritage Comics – Helping to bring history to life – Join local artist and archaeologist John Swogger as he talks about his year-long series of newspaper comic strips. £3. Please book with library staff. Knit for Life – come along and knit for charity. Free drop-in event
For full details contact Library Services Tel 01743 250351
Future Fit Up and Coming Public Consultation
We want as many people as possible to respond to this 12-week consultation. You can do this by completing our survey online at or completing a paper copy. Please return your completed survey free of charge to FREEPOST NHS FF CONSULTATION.
For further information Harriet Hopkins Communications and Engagement Specialist NHS Future Fit Programme Tel: 01743 277576 or Mob: 07970 354113
The Parish Council have received the following information from Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Defend our NHS:
"The Future Fit 'preferred option' will mean the closure of the A&E and Women's and Children's at Telford's Princess Royal Hospital, and the closure of Planned Care (routine surgery and treatment) at the Royal Shrewsbury Hospital.
Future Fit is about more pressure on the A&E that is left, and on the ambulance service. Future Fit is also about deep cuts to hospital staff and services (with 300 fewer nurses, for example); and a reduction in the number of medical beds. The claim is of patients being treated in the community instead – but community NHS services and social care are already facing cuts of their own. Even that £312 million of 'new investment' for Future Fit is nothing to celebrate. It is a loan, not a gift, and will have to be repaid with interest. Part of it will be from a private funding scheme similar to PFI. And it is funding for hospital buildings – but those buildings will provide less patient care. Future Fit is about NHS cuts – and for some of us, those cuts will cost lives.
We believe the NHS must meet patients' needs. In our area - 3½ times the size of Greater London – a single A&E and a single acute hospital cannot be enough. And the 'Shrewsbury versus Telford' battle that health leaders expect to see is divisive and destructive. We need BOTH our A&Es, BOTH our hospitals – and an end to the NHS cuts that are eroding local healthcare."
The Parish Council has no opinion on these proposed changes and relies on individuals to respond to the consultation.
A free event to help businesses prepare for the realities of the new laws and the measures they can take in the weeks ahead of the GDPR May 25th deadline has been organised:
Registration &Tea/Coffee on arrival: 9:30am - presentation followed by a question and answer session.
Facilitator, Neil Hambley has over 25 years' experience in data management, CRM and data protection, working across some of the UK's biggest brands (Halfords, Aga, Land Rover, Time Warner, Capita and more). The event provides an overview of the legislation, and a 'hands-on' approach to Data Protection, dispelling the myths and emphasising the immediate steps to align and adjust to the new era.
Free to eligible businesses located within the Marches area.
Ruyton XI Towns PC use an e-newsletter campaign, which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish.
The Parish Council are very grateful for the excellent work Yoland Brown & Margaret Lycett carry out keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to them for their efforts.
If you would like to sign up to this official Parish Council newsletter mailing list then you can do so by clicking the link below you are also at liberty to deselect receiving this newsletter. The choice is yours.
Ruyton XI Towns will not be sharing your email address with any third parties and aims to be compliant with Data Protection Act 1998 and GDPR Act 2018. To find out more about our privacy arrangements please go to the Council's new website