Thursday, 11 June 2020

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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BurpSuite Introduction & Installation

What is BurpSuite?
Burp Suite is a Java based Web Penetration Testing framework. It has become an industry standard suite of tools used by information security professionals. Burp Suite helps you identify vulnerabilities and verify attack vectors that are affecting web applications. Because of its popularity and breadth as well as depth of features, we have created this useful page as a collection of Burp Suite knowledge and information.

In its simplest form, Burp Suite can be classified as an Interception Proxy. While browsing their target application, a penetration tester can configure their internet browser to route traffic through the Burp Suite proxy server. Burp Suite then acts as a (sort of) Man In The Middle by capturing and analyzing each request to and from the target web application so that they can be analyzed.

Everyone has their favorite security tools, but when it comes to mobile and web applications I've always found myself looking BurpSuite . It always seems to have everything I need and for folks just getting started with web application testing it can be a challenge putting all of the pieces together. I'm just going to go through the installation to paint a good picture of how to get it up quickly.

BurpSuite is freely available with everything you need to get started and when you're ready to cut the leash, the professional version has some handy tools that can make the whole process a little bit easier. I'll also go through how to install FoxyProxy which makes it much easier to change your proxy setup, but we'll get into that a little later.

Requirements and assumptions:

Mozilla Firefox 3.1 or Later Knowledge of Firefox Add-ons and installation The Java Runtime Environment installed

Download BurpSuite from make a note of where you save it.

on for Firefox from

If this is your first time running the JAR file, it may take a minute or two to load, so be patient and wait.

Video for setup and installation.

You need to install compatible version of java , So that you can run BurpSuite.

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Hacking All The Cars - Part 2

Connecting Hardware to Your Real Car: 

 I realized the other day I posted Part 2 of this series to my youtube awhile ago but not blogger so this one will be quick and mostly via video walkthrough. I often post random followup videos which may never arrive on this blog. So if you're waiting on something specific I mentioned or the next part to a series its always a good idea to subscribe to the YouTube. This is almost always true if there is video associated with the post.  

In the last blog we went over using virtual CAN devices to interact with a virtual car simulators of a CAN network This was awesome because it allowed us to learn how to interact with he underlying CAN network without fear of hacking around on an expensive automobile. But now it's time to put on your big boy pants and create a real CAN interface with hardware and plug your hardware device into your ODB2 port. 

The video I created below will show you where to plug your device in, how to configure it and how to take the information you learned while hacking around on the virtual car from part1 and apply it directly to a real car.   

Video Walk Through Using Hardware on a Real Car

As a reference here are the two device options I used in the video and the needed cable: 

Hardware Used: 

Get OBD2 Cable:

Get CANtact:


Creating Network Interfaces: 

As a reference here are the commands from the video for creating a CAN network interface: 

USB2Can Setup: 
The following command will bring up your can interface and you should see the device light color change: 
sudo ip link set can0 up type can bitrate 125000

Contact Setup: 
Set your jumpers on 3,5 and 7 as seen in the picture in the video
Sudo slcand -o -s6 /dev/ttyACM can0 <— whatever device you see in your DMESG output
Ifconfig can0 up


That should get you started connecting to physical cars and hacking around. I was also doing a bit of python coding over these interfaces to perform actions and sniff traffic. I might post that if anyone is interested. Mostly I have been hacking around on blockchain stuff and creating full course content recently so keep a look out for that in the future. 

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  2. Hacking Bluetooth
  3. Hacker Lab
  4. Pentest Web Application
  5. Pentest+ Vs Oscp
  6. Hacking With Raspberry Pi
  7. Pentest Meaning
  8. Pentest With Kali
  9. Hacking Growth
  10. Hacking With Python
  11. Hacker Videos
  12. Pentest Cheat Sheet
  13. Hacker Lab
  14. Pentest With Kali Linux


OctoSniff is a network research tool that allows you to determine information about all the other players you're playing with. It is compatible with PS, XBox 360 and XBox One. It has many other features that make it a great sniffing tool. Some people think it might be a tool like Wireshark or Cain n Abel. No, it's not a tool like that. It simply sniffs players that let you know who's really playing. Download OctoSniff 2.0.3 full version. It's only for educational purposes to use.


  • VPN Optimized
  • Supports Wireless & Wired Spoofing
  • Detects Geo IP and Complete Location
  • Searches Usernames of Players in the Lobby
  • Really easy to setup


Continue reading

  1. Hacking Vpn
  2. Hacking Site
  3. Pentesting And Ethical Hacking
  4. Pentest Framework
  5. Hacking Games Online
  6. Pentest Os
  7. Hacking Link
  8. Hacker0Ne
  9. Hacking Lab
  10. Hacking Software
  11. Pentest Devices
  12. Hacking Ethics
  13. Hacking Vpn
  14. Pentest Aws
  15. Pentest Firewall
  16. Hacking Health
  17. Pentest Kit
  18. Pentest Certification
  19. Pentest Meaning

Ganglia Monitoring System LFI

Awhile back when doing a pentest I ran into an interesting web application on a server that was acting as a gateway into a juicy environment *cough*pci*cough*, the application was "Ganglia Monitoring System"
The scope of the test was extremely limited and it wasn't looking good....the host that was in scope had a ton of little stuff but nothing that looked like it would give me a solid foothold into the target network. After spending some time looking for obvious ways into the system I figured it would be worth looking at the Ganglia application, especially since I could find no public exploits for the app in the usual places....

First step was to build a lab up on a VM (ubuntu)
apt-get install ganglia-webfrontend

After apt was done doing its thing I went ahead and started poking around in the web front end files (/usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend). I looked to see if the application had any sort of admin functionality that I could abuse or some sort of insecure direct object reference issues. Nothing looked good. I moved on to auditing the php.

Started out with a simple grep looking for php includes that used a

steponequit@steponequit-desktop:/usr/share/ganglia-webfrontend$ egrep 'include.*\$' * if( isset( $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ]) ) $tpl_file = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][0]; $type = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][1]; if( isset( $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ]) ) $include_file = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][0]; $type = $this->tpl_include[ $regs[2] ][1]; $include_file = $regs[2]; if( !@include_once( $include_file ) ) $this->__errorAlert( 'TemplatePower Error: Couldn\'t include script [ '. $include_file .' ]!' ); $this->tpl_include["$iblockname"] = Array( $value, $type );
graph.php: include_once($graph_file);
The graph.php line jumped out at me. Looking into the file it was obvious this variable was built from user input :)
$graph = isset($_GET["g"]) ? sanitize ( $_GET["g"] ) : NULL;
$graph_file = "$graphdir/$graph.php";

Taking at look at the "sanitize" function I can see this shouldn't upset any file include fun

function sanitize ( $string ) {
return escapeshellcmd( clean_string( rawurldecode( $string ) ) ) ;

# If arg is a valid number, return it. Otherwise, return null.
function clean_number( $value )
return is_numeric( $value ) ? $value : null;
Going back to the graph.php file

$graph_file = "$graphdir/$graph.php";

if ( is_readable($graph_file) ) {

$graph_function = "graph_${graph}";
$graph_function($rrdtool_graph); // Pass by reference call, $rrdtool_graph modified inplace
} else {
/* Bad stuff happened. */
error_log("Tried to load graph file [$graph_file], but failed. Invalid graph, aborting.");

We can see here that our $graph value is inserted into the target string $graph_file with a directory on the front and a php extension on the end. The script then checks to make sure it can read the file that has been specified and finally includes it, looks good to me :).
The start of our string is defined in conf.php as "$graphdir='./graph.d'", this poses no issue as we can traverse back to the root of the file system using "../../../../../../../../". The part that does pose some annoyance is that our target file must end with ".php". So on my lab box I put a php file (phpinfo) in "/tmp" and tried including it...

Win. Not ideal, but it could work....

Going back to the real environment with this it was possible to leverage this seemingly limited vulnerability by putting a file (php shell) on the nfs server that was being used by the target server, this information was gathered from a seemingly low vuln - "public" snmp string. Once the file was placed on nfs it was only a matter of making the include call. All in a hard days work.

I have also briefly looked at the latest version of the Ganglia web front end code and it appears that this vuln still exists (graph.php)

$graph = isset($_GET["g"]) ? sanitize ( $_GET["g"] ) : "metric";
$php_report_file = $conf['graphdir'] . "/" . $graph . ".php";
$json_report_file = $conf['graphdir'] . "/" . $graph . ".json";
if( is_file( $php_report_file ) ) {
include_once $php_report_file;

tl;dr; wrap up - "Ganglia Monitoring System" contains a LFI vulnerability in the "graph.php" file. Any local php files can be included by passing its location to the "g" parameter -
Read more

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

Web Hacking Video Series #4 MySQL Part 2 (Injection And Coding)

Video Lesson Topics:

  1. Setting up your victim application, databases and lab
  2. Attacking a simple injection with information Schema
  3. Automating your injections with python and beautiful soup
  4. Dealing with various web encoding in Python and PHP
  5. Bypassing LoadFile Size restrictions and automating it
  6. Decrypting sensitive data via PHP and Python interactions
  7. As always me rambling about stupid nonsense :P FTW

Part 2 of Mysql covers the topic of injecting a simple SQL injection example. Starts out slow then combines techniques and moves into more advanced topics. Prior to attempting this lesson make sure you have watched the videos in the previous blog or understand both SQL and basic python coding. I will show how to automate the injection process via python utilizing simple HTML processing abilities of beautiful soup.  I will cover many python libraries for encoding data and calling web based applications. I also talk about how to deal with encrypted data and methods of enumerating files and folders looking for possible implementation issues and attack points to decrypt sensitive data via PHP/Python interaction with whats available on the server. This is the 2nd part of a 3 part series on MySQL for attacking web applications.

Files Needed:
Lab Files

Video Lesson:

Whats Next:
PHP source code analysis
Recoding PHP applications to fix SQLi

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  9. Pentest Meaning
  10. Pentest Ftp
  11. Pentest Questions
  12. Pentest Wifi
  13. Pentest Tools For Windows
  14. Hacking Apps
  15. Hacking
  16. Hacker Types
  17. Pentest Checklist

Hacking PayPal's Express Checkout

Do you know what is happening in the background when you buy something in an online shop using PayPal?

In this post we will tackle the following problems:
  • How can PayPal's API be tested?
  • How does PayPal's Express Checkout work? You can find the detailed report here.
  • How can we debit more money than authorized?

How PayPal's API can be tested?

PayPal's Sandbox API

PayPal offers a feature called PayPal Sandbox Accounts, which mimics the production API. The basic idea is that a normal user/shop can test the API and make transactions without actually transferring money. This is the perfect tool for developers to test their API integration.

Access to all messages

The next question is how to get access to all messages. All browser-related messages can be inspected, intercepted, and modified via BurpSuite. The main problem here is how to get access to the server-to-server exchanged messages: the messages exchanged between PayPal and a shop. In order to solve this problem, we deployed our own shop. For this purpose we used Magento, which already has a PayPal integration.
Once we have our own controlled shop, we can enforce Magento to send all request through a proxy.
In the following picture you can see our setup.

Test suite for analyzing PayPal's API [1]

In order to capture the traffic between our Magento hhop and PayPal we proceeded as follows:
  • We configured Magento to use a proxy running on localhost:8081.
  • We connected the proxy port on the virtual machine with our local machine via SSH remote port forwarding by issuing the following command
    ssh -N -R 8081: localhost :8081 <IP of Magento shop>
  • We configured BurpSuite running on our local machine to listen on Port 8081 for incoming requests.
Now, we were able to see the entire traffic.
Please note that we uses our own, custom Magento shop in order to be able to test Paypal's API.

PayPal's Express Checkout

An overview of the checkout procedure is depicted in the following:

PayPal's Express Checkout [2]

Step 1: Magento tells the PayPal API where to redirect the user after authorizing the transaction via the parameter RETURNURL and requests a token for this transaction.
Step 2: The PayPal API provides Magento with the token.
Step 3: Magento redirects the user to PayPal's website. The redirect contains the token from the previous step.
Step 4:  The user authorizes the transaction. As a result, he will be redirected back to Magento (RETURNURL) with the token.
Step 5: Magento issues a request to the PayPal API to get the transaction details.

Step 6: Magento signals the PayPal API to execute the transaction.

Step 7: Magento serves the success page.

A more detailed view of the protocol and all parameters is shown on page 16 in the full version. We will concentrate only on step 6 and the parameters relevant for the attack.

The Attack

The goal of the attack is to let a shop (in our case Magento) debit more money than authorized by the PayPal user. The core of the attack is Step 6 -- DoExpressCheckoutPayment. Let's get a deeper look at this message:

Magento can raise the authorized amount and debit more money from the user's account

  • The shop sends the token, which was issued in the first step of the protocol and identifies uniquely the transaction through all steps. 
  • The PayerID referring to the user that authorized the payment.
  • The AMT defining the amount, which will be transferred.
  • The API Credentials authenticating Magento on PayPal.
  • The Version pointing to the release number of the API.

As one can imagine, the core problem we found was the change of the AMT parameter. This value can be freely chosen by the shop, despite the fact that the user has authorized a different amount.

We tested only the SandBox API, but refused to test the production API in order to avoid problems. We promptly contacted PayPal's security team and described the problem hoping that PayPal can and will test the production API against the attack.

The response of PayPal can be summarized as follows:
  • We don't get any BugBounty since we only tested the Sanbox API. (Fair enough)
  • In the Production API PayPal this flexibility is a wanted feature. Thus, PayPal allows a merchant to charge for shipping and/or other expenses different amounts. Any malicious behavior can be detected by PayPal. In case of fraudulent charges the consumer are protected by the Buyer Protection policy.
... but the Sandbox API was nevertheless fixed.

Authors of this Post

Daniel Hirschberger
Vladislav Mladenov
Christian Mainka (@CheariX)

[1] BurpSuite Logo
[2] PayPal Express Checkout

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"W3AF is a Web Application Attack and Audit Framework. The project goal is to create a framework to find and exploit web application vulnerabilities that is easy to use and extend. This project is currently hosted at SourceForge." read more...

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  1. Pentest Distro
  2. Hacker Website
  3. Hacking Lab
  4. Pentestmonkey
  5. Hacking To The Gate
  6. Hacking Device
  7. Pentest With Kali Linux
  8. Hacking
  9. Hacker0Ne
  10. Pentest Tools Github
  11. Hacking Browser

Administración Remota De Servidores Desde Android

Sería muy util poder administrar todos nuestros servidores desde la palma de la mano.

Sin embargo una shell linux, no es viable en el teclado de un teléfono incluso de un tablet, sobretodo porque hay que escribir muchos símbolos, por ejemplo el guión, y estos teclados están pensados más bien para texto.

Pues bien, de esta necesidad surgió la aplicación SSHControl:


Esta problematica la he solucionado a base de utilizar nevegadores y estructurar los outputs para no acumular excesiva información en la pantalla.

- Navegador de ficheros
- Navegador de procesos
- Navegador de conexiones
- Navegador de logs
- Navegador de drivers de kernel

Esto permite administrar múltiples servidores con un solo dedo :)

Controlar la seguridad de sus servidores ahora es bastante sencillo y ágil, por ejemplo con solo hacer un "tap" encima de un usuario, podemos ver sos procesos asociados, con hacer otro tap en un proceso podemos kilearlo, ver mas info etc ..
Con hacer un tap encima de una apliacción, vemos sus conexiónes, con un tap en una conexión podemos agregar una regla de filtrado en el firewall, etc ..

En la siguiente versión habilitaré la opción de "Custom Commnands", la cual es muy util,
cada administrador o usuario linux, tiene una serie de comandos que repite con mucha frecuencia,
bien pues esta opción permite pre-programar estos comandos habituales, de manera que puedes lanzarlos con un simple tap.

En el roadmap tengo pensadas nuevas funcionalidades muy útiles :)

Aqui os dejo algunas capturas de pantalla:

More information

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  2. Hacking The Art Of Exploitation
  3. Pentest Dns Server
  4. Pentest+ Vs Ceh
  5. Pentest Active Directory
  6. How To Pentest A Website With Kali
  7. Hacker Ethic

Tuesday, 9 June 2020


"fragroute intercepts, modifies, and rewrites egress traffic destined for a specified host, implementing most of the attacks described in the Secure Networks "Insertion, Evasion, and Denial of Service: Eluding Network Intrusion Detection" paper of January 1998. It features a simple ruleset language to delay, duplicate, drop, fragment, overlap, print, reorder, segment, source-route, or otherwise monkey with all outbound packets destined for a target host, with minimal support for randomized or probabilistic behaviour. This tool was written in good faith to aid in the testing of network intrusion detection systems, firewalls, and basic TCP/IP stack behaviour." read more...


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Security Surprises On Firefox Quantum

This morning I've found an scaring surprise on my Firefox Quantum. Casually it was connected to a proxy when an unexpected connection came up, the browser  was connecting to an unknown remote site via HTTP and downloading a ZIP that contains an ELF shared library, without any type of signature on it.

This means two things

1) the owner of that site might spread malware infecting many many people.
2) the ISP also might do that.

Ubuntu Version:

Firefox Quantum version:

The URL: hxxp://

The zip contains these two files:

The info file:
  Name: gmpopenh264
  Description: GMP Plugin for OpenH264.
  Version: 1.6.0
  APIs: encode-video[h264], decode-video[h264]

So there is a remote codec loading system that is unsigned and unencrypted, I think is good to be aware of it.

In this case the shared library is a video decoder, but it would be a vector to distribute malware o spyware massively, or an attack vector for a MITM attacker.

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  2. Pentest Keys
  3. Hacking Link
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  6. Pentest Smtp
  7. Hacking Gif
  8. Pentest Gear
  9. Hacking Attack
  10. Pentest Vs Red Team
  11. Hacking Linux
  12. Pentest Enumeration
  13. Pentest Wiki

Monday, 8 June 2020

Pointers Part 1: The Basics

So you're eager to learn about pointers but unfortunately you got stuck because they seemed to you terrible in nature? That's not true I know, but many of the people get confused when they arrive at the topic of pointers. Well pointers are the most important tools in C programming and are the one that can make you fly (unless you don't know how to ride over them). In this article we're going to learn basics of pointers.
Pointers are the varaibles that store addresses of other variables. Easy ain't it?
So lets start with the decleration of a pointer, pointer is decreleared as:
data_type *var_name;
int *pt;
well the astrisk(*) before the variable name is the thing that makes variable a pointer. So far so good now what?
Now lets say we want to store address of a variable in our pointer variable that seems pretty complex..!
Let's do it:
int number = 100;
int *pt = &num;
Is it really complex..?
what we are doing here is that we are first declaring and initializing a integer variable (number) with value of 100 and then we declare and initialize a pointer variable (pt) with the address of number variable. Now pt (pointer variable) contains the address of number (integer varaible). So what? Now we can use this pointer variable to change the value of number variable. Is this some kind of Magic? Maybe. Lets' do it:
*pt = 200;
what we have done here is that we De-referencing the pt variable with the asterisk (*) and then assigned it the value of 200 now the number variable contains 200. Isn't it a magic? De-referencing is used for accessing the value of the variable towards which our pointer is pointing simple. So lets write a full program of what we have learned so far.
/*Pointer Basics: Creating and Using Pointers*/
int main(void){
  int number = 100;
  int *pt = &number;
  printf("Value of 'number' is: %d", number);
  printf("Address of 'number' is: %p", pt);
  *pt = 200;
  printf("New value of 'number' is: %d", number);
  return 0;
What this whole program did was it created a integer variable and a pointer to integer variable and then printed out the value and address of the 'number' variable and after that we De-referenced the pointer variable so that we can access the value to which our pointer variable is pointing and changed the old 100 value with new 200 value and at last we printed that out. Easy isn't it?
But do you know that you can get the address of a variable even by using ampersand (&) operator? Lemme show you how. I'll declare and initialize a variable 'var' and then print it to screen using ampersand (&) operator:
int var = 10;
printf("Address of 'var' is %p\n", &var);
the last statement here will print out the address of 'var' not value so that means it is equal to this statement:
int *pt = &var;
printf("Address of 'var' is %p\n", pt);
here we first assigned the address of 'var' to pointer variable 'pt' and then printed out the address of 'var' using the pointer variable (pt).
So lets write another program that will wrap up this part of 'Pointer Basics':
/*Pointer Basics Part 1: Program 2*/
int main(void){
   int var = 10;
   int *pt = &var;
   printf("The Value of 'var' is: %d\n", var);
   printf("De-referencing: *pt = %d\n", *pt);
   printf("Ampersand: The Address of 'var' is %p\n",  &var);
   printf("pt = %p\n", pt);
   return 0;
So that's the end of first part watch out for the next part in which we'll tighten our grip on pointers and get ready for some Advanced '*po(inter)-fo'.
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  8. Pentest Ios
  9. Hacker Ethic
  10. Hacking Link

July 2019 Connector

  July 2019


Letter from the Vice-Chairman:
Since the last Connector, the Foundation has seen an extremely positive response to hosting a Global AppSec conference in Tel Aviv. The event was well attended with great speakers and training, furthering our mission to improving software security on a global level.

Next up we have a Global AppSec conference in both Amsterdam and Washington DC. We have migrated away from the regional naming convention so in previous years these events would have been Europe and US. Planning for both events is well underway with some excellent keynotes being lined up. We hope you can join us at these conferences.

As part of our community outreach, the Board and volunteers will be at BlackHat and DEFCON in Las Vegas next month. The Board will have a two-day workshop two days before the conference, but during the conference will look to talk to and collaborate with as many of the community as possible. We are really looking forward to this.

It is that time of the year again, the global Board of Directors nominations are now open. There are four seats up for re-election: mine (Owen), Ofer, Sherif, and Chenxi. I would ask those who would like to help drive the strategic direction of the Foundation to step forward. If you are not interested in running, why not submit questions to those who are running.

Recently the Executive Director has put forward a new initiative to change the way in which we utilize our funds in achieving our mission. The aim here is to have one pot of money where there will be fewer restrictions to chapter expenses. Funds will be provided to all, albeit as long as they are reasonable. The Board sees this as a positive step in our community outreach.

Finally, I would like to ask those who are interested in supporting the Foundation, reach out to each Board member about assisting in  one of the following strategic goals, as set out by the board at the start of the year:
  • Marketing the OWASP brand 
  • Membership benefits
  • Developer outreach
    • Improve benefits 
    • Decrease the possibility of OWASP losing relevance
    • Reaching out to management and Risk levels
    • Increase involvement in new tech/ ways of doing things – dev-ops
  • Project focus 
    • Get Universities involved
    • Practicum sponsored ideas
    • Internships 
  • Improve finances
  • Improve OWASP/ Board of Directors Perception
  • Process improvement
  • Get consistent Executive Director support
  • Community empowerment
Thanks and best wishes,
Owen Pendlebury, Vice Chair

Change: If we change nothing, how could we expect to be in a different place a year from now? It has been truly a pleasure these first six months as your Interim Executive Director and I look forward to many years to come. Everyone has done a great job helping me see our opportunities and challenges. And the challenges are real - both internally and our position in the infosec community. I'm biased toward action.

My first task has been to redesign and optimize our operations. This will help staff to be more responsive while also saving the funds donated to the Foundation for our work on projects and chapters. This will also mean changes for you too. Communities work better when everyone always assumes we are all operating with the best of intentions. I can assure you that is the case of our Board, leaders, and staff. Evaluate our changes through this view and we'll save time and our collective sanity.

One big project that is coming to life is our new website. We will soon be entering our 20th year and we needed to not just refresh the look but completely retool it for the next 20 years. We are rebuilding it from the ground up and we can't wait to share our progress. Over the next month or so we will be sharing more information on that project. Stay tuned!

Mike McCamon, Interim Executive Director

OWASP is pleased to announce our newest staff member, Sibah Poede will be joining us as the Events Coordinator and will begin full-time on 1 July.

Sibah is a graduate of London South Bank University where she received a BA (Hons) Marketing Management. Prior to that, she gained a diploma in Market & Economics at the Copenhagen Business School, Neil's Brock, Denmark. After graduation, she launched her career in London working with Hilton International hotels at the Conference and Events department. She eventually moved on to work with Kaplan International Colleges in the marketing department. Later, she joined Polyglobe Group, and then Uniglobe within the travel sector, where she was involved in global exhibitions and events, account management and sales.

She has lived in Denmark, Nigeria, Switzerland, and currently lives in London. In her spare time, she enjoys traveling and learning new cultures. She is also part of the Soup Kitchen Muswell Hill, a charity organization involved in feeding the homeless.
Please join us in welcoming Sibah to the team.

Emily Berman
Events Director
As many of you are aware, the OWASP Foundation has a Meetup Pro account.  We are requesting that all Chapters, Projects, Committees, and any other OWASP Meetup pages be transferred to the OWASP Foundation account.
OWASP Foundation will be the Organizer of the Group and all Leaders/Administrators will be Co-Organizers with the same edit rights.  
Once the Meetup page is transferred to our account, the Foundation will be funding the cost of the Meetup page.  If you do not want to continue being charged for your Meetup subscription account, you should then cancel it. Thereafter no Chapter, Project, etc. will be billed for Meetup.  Going forward the Foundation will no longer approve any reimbursement requests for Meetup.

  For instructions on how to move your Meetup group to the OWASP Foundation account please see

OWASP Members visit our website for $200 savings on Briefing passes for BlackHat USA 2019.


You may also be interested in one of our other affiliated events:

Event DateLocation
OWASP Auckland Training Day 2019 August 10, 2019 Auckland, New Zealand
OWASP Day 2019 August 24, 2019 Wellington , New Zealand
OWASP Portland Training Day September 25, 2019 Portland, OR
OWASP Italy Day Udine 2019 September 27, 2019 Udine, Italy
OWASP Portland Day October 16,2019 Wroclaw, Poland
BASC 2019 (Boston Application Security Conference) October 19,2019 Burlington, MA
LASCON X October 24-25,2019 Austin, TX
OWASP AppSec Day 2019 Oct 30 - Nov 1, 2019 Melbourne, Australia
German OWASP Day 2019 December 9-10, 2019 Karlsruhe, Germany

Event Date Location
BlackHat USA 2019 August 3-8,2019 Las Vegas, Nevada
DefCon 27 August 8-11,2019 Las Vegas, Nevada
it-sa-IT Security Expo and Congress October 8-10, 2019 Germany


Project Reviews from Global AppSec Tel Aviv 2019 are still being worked on.  Thank you to the reviewers that helped with it.  If you have time to help finalize the reviews, please contact me ( and let me know.

We continue to push forward with Google Summer of Code.  First and student evaluations are past and we are in our third work period.  Final evaluations are due 19th August!
The Project Showcase at Global AppSec DC 2019 is shaping up to be a fantastic track.  Please note the following schedule.
Time Thursday, September 12
10:30 Secure Medical Device Deployment Standard Christopher Frenz
11:30 Secure Coding Dojo Paul Ionescu
1:00 p.m. Lunch Break
15:30 API Security Project Erez Yalon
16:30 Defect Dojo Matt Tesauro
Time Friday, September 13
10:30 Dependency Check Jeremy Long
11:30 SAMM John Ellingsworth, Hardik Parekh
1:00 p.m. Lunch Break
15:30 SEDATED Dennis Kennedy
16:30 <open>  

New Release of ESAPI # 

On June 25, a new ESAPI release, the first in over 3 years, was uploaded to Maven Central. The release # is The release includes over 100 closed GitHub Issues and over 2600 additional unit tests. For more details, see the release notes at:

A special shout out to project co-leader Matt Seil, and major contributors Jeremiah Stacey and Dave Wichers for their ongoing invaluable assistance in this effort.
-- Kevin Wall, ESAPI project co-lead
OWASP ESAPI wiki page and the GitHub project page.


Welcome New OWASP Chapters
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Panama City, Panama
Medellin, Colombia
Cartagena, Colombia
Aarhus, Denmark
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Edmonton, Canada
Lincoln, Nebraska
Sanaa, Yemen
Noida, India
Mumbai, India


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Bel Air, MD 21014  
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