Saturday, 11 June 2016

Ruyton XI Towns Newsletter June 2016 - Fun in the Park!

Ruyton XI Towns June 2016 Parish Council e-newsletter
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Ruyton XI Towns are trialing the start of an e-newsletter campaign,  which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish.

The Parish Council are very grateful in the excellent work Yoland Brown does keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to her for her efforts.

If you would like to sign up to this official Parish Council newsletter mailing list then you can do so by clicking the link below.
Sign up to Parish Council Mailing List

Informal Village Picnic this weekend!

 Saturday June 11th , Between 12.00 - 5.00pm at Doctors Meadow Recreational Ground; Ruyton XI Towns
The idea is that family groups will bring their own picnic, rugs and chairs and join in the field games i.e rounders , ball etc on Ruyton`s version of the Village Green.  Bring your own games if you have any please. All are welcome.

Village Hanging Basket Project

The Parish Council has  received donations from local businesses and residents amounting to £445.00 towards the Village Hanging Basket Project; the Council would like to thank all who have so generously contributed so a massive...
T H A N K   Y O U !
The project will cost in excess of this to implement so should anyone wish to make  a donation please contact your local Parish Councillor or forward a cheque made out to " Ruyton XI Towns PC" to the Clerk, at the following address: Gonsal House, Condover Shrewsbury SY5 7EX.
Dave Peate is expected to install the baskets over the next two weeks. Our thanks to those who keep them alive over the next few months as we are expecting a dazzling display in what promises to be a hot Summer!

Pipped at the post, John and Margo Gittins have already installed a stunning display at The Cross; pictured above. Our thanks to them for their generosity and forethought in supplying these displays...who needs Chelsea?
A5   ROAD CLOSURES  4th July 2016 for 5 nights (20.00 – 06.00)

Access roads onto A5 between Wolfshead Roundabout and Queens Head Junction, closures at Jct with A5

Purpose: Highways England resurfacing of A5
Contractor: Kier Services on Behalf of Highways England


Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council has held its annual meeting and a new Chairperson has been elected Cllr Ros Slowley; Ros has been Vice-Chair for a number of years and is happy to steer the council in the forth coming year. The Parish Council would like to take this opportunity to thank Colin Case for his work and commitment to the parish over the last 8 years as Chairman, he will be sorely missed; he remains a parish councillor.
Listed below are your parish councillors' contact details. please feel free to speak to them about any local issues you might have, if the Parish Council can help it will try to do so:
For councillor contact details please go to the website (please note if typing, this link is case sensitive):

The public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. Council meetings are held monthly at The Victoria Room commencing at 7.30pm and begin with a public session; where local issues can be raised.
Meetings are to take place on:
Monday 25th July 2016
Monday 5th September 2016

For Parish Council minutes and agendas, please go to the Parish Council's website:

The Clerk Sue Hackett can be contacted by email 



For several months our Parish Council have been working with a Consultant to consider ways to make our roads safer and make out Village more attractive. Ben Hamilton-Bailey visited us a month or so ago and he has now sent us a preliminary report of his observations - see the link:-

We intend to mount a public display of these findings, together with other information later in September.
We intend to hold a Public Meeting to collect views and comments from our residents.
Have a read of the notes and watch for dates as we approach September.
S H O T A T T O N  &  T H E  A 5

   Councillor Simon Gittins met The Minister
The Minister of Transport Andrew Jones accompanied by our MP Owen Paterson, met a group of representatives including Cllr Simon Gittins who expressed the Parish Councils concerns about the junction. The Parish Council has campaigned for a better junction robustly over the last decade, his report on the event is summarised below:
"A tractor and took the Minister across the road and back.. Worked really well - particularly chaotic and dangerous!  We then proceeded to the Ironworks where there were a number of presentations and a lot of pertinent questions. Main points from the morning were-
  • We are currently in the second year of a 5 year transport strategic plan (worth £15 billion). We need to make sure the dualling is in the next plan which starts 2020.
  • Locals, business' etc need to start making noise to ensure our inclusion.
  • Immediate solutions issue were discussed. Nick and Arthur Walpole, who both spoke very well at the meeting, are going to use this publicity to push Mark Wooton into taking hopefully some immediate measures to help visibility and safety (cutting back trees/hedges and renewing road markings).
NOTE-  the undualled road has been responsible for 49 deaths, 312 serious accidents and many minor ones. The 'cost' being £170 million.

So in summary, I think it is a major step forward to get a minister up here who stated that we have a 'very strong case' for inclusion in the next strategic plan."

Following this meeting the Parish Council and individuals have been encouraged to visit the following website and to register their views:

While the website mentions 1st July as a deadline, the Minister's office tells me that this is advisory as that is when the first route strategies will begin to be pulled together. Evidence and feedback will still be considered after that date.

So go ahead and make your views known.

The following photographic evidence was presented, it can be found at:

The Parish Council recently met and agreed to campaign for the implementation of the North West Relief Road; which it believes would benefit many to the north of Shrewsbury. Please provide your feedback on the merits or disadvantages also via the above link.

Copyright © 2016 Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council, All rights reserved.
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Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council
Gonsal House
Shrewsbury, Shropshire Sy5 7EX
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