Friday, 7 October 2016

 Village Activities & Village Road Safety Concerns

Ruyton XI Towns Parish Council e-newsletter
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Your Parish Council will be holding their next meeting on Monday 10th October at 7.30 p.m. at
The Victoria Room, Ruyton XI Towns

A detailed agenda and past Council minutes and information can be found on their website just follow the link below:

As always our local highways and traffic issues are currently the Parish Council's chief concern and Shropshire Councillor Simon Jones and Shropshire Council officer Steve Brown have been invited to the meeting to discuss these issues. Why not come along and find out more..

Contact details for your councillors can also be found on the website.
Ramble for Children in Need

Saturday 9 October 2016

Meeting at Doctors Meadow Playing Field at 10.15am for a 10.30am start

A variety of walks for all ages and ability
All are welcome
Dogs on lead please

For more details contact Yoland Brown in the first instance
email: Tel: 
01939 261121 
An event for your diary:
Saturday 19 November 3.00pm in the Village Hall

Making our roads safer in Ruyton XI Towns

A presentation by Ben Hamilton-Baillie on the concept of 'shared space' and how it can be adapted to Ruyton XI Towns, so that the village has safer roads and is a more attractive place for walking, cycling and driving.  Everyone concerned about the traffic through our village is welcome to come and listen and ask questions.

Ben has visited the Village before and has issued an interim report that can be seen at

This event has been organised by your Parish Council.
Pops-ups throughout Shropshire offer the chance to get the real facts on NHS Future Fit
Venues throughout Shropshire are to host a number of pop-up stands where people can find out more about the NHS Future Fit programme throughout October. The pop-ups will offer a chance to meet members of the team, ask questions, pick up information and discover how patients and members of the public can play a part in the programme.They will also be able to see a newly prepared short animation which explains the programme. It has already been viewed nearly 10,000 times.
Dr Julian Povey, Clinical Chair of Shropshire CCG said:

"We want people to be as well informed as possible about the programme. We want everyone to understand the positive advantages that NHS Future Fit can provide with the creation of a new Emergency Department and two Urgent Care Centres, each able to see up to 80 per cent of those who currently go to A&E, in Telford and Shrewsbury."

The pop-up stands will be on:
  • Tuesday October 18, 9am-5pm Charles Darwin Centre (ground floor near to car park entrance) Shrewsbury SY1 2BW 
  • Wednesday October 19, 10am-2pm Festival Drayton Centre, Market Drayton, TF9 3AX 
  • Thursday October 20, 10am-2pm The Centre, Oak Street, Oswestry, SY11 1LW 
  • Friday October 21, 9am-1pm Whitchurch Civic Centre, High Street, SY13 1AX
To meet or contact John Campion  call 01905 331656 or email

The Commissioner's Ambassador for Shropshire is Graham Oliver To contact him call 07976 948870 or email
Our Local Police Team 101 Police Reminder

To report local, non immediate police issues, e.g. if your car has been stolen; property damaged; you suspect drug use/dealing etc, please call 101. In an emergency, when a crime is in process and when there is danger to life, always use 999.
New to the village, Just arrived?  ... Welcome to Ruyton XI Towns!
If your a newcomer to the village and outlying areas and would like to learn more about the village, its history, local activities, art and leisure groups etc.
Please feel free to contact Yoland Brown who can provide you with a comprehensive list of who to contact.
Yoland can be found at Brownhill House B&B & Garden, Ruyton XI Towns nr. Shrewsbury SY4 1LR 
Tel: 01939 261121 
Parish Paths Partnership   (The 3 Ps)
Do you like walking, the countryside, keeping fit?
Have a little spare time?
Why not join the local 3 Ps Group, which Trevor Allison is setting up.

"As some of you may know, I am the Footpath Secretary for the Ramblers 
in Shropshire, and my 'passion' is walking; in fact over the last 6½ 
years I have walked over 11,000 miles including attempting to walk or 
visit every Right-of-Way in Shropshire.

As a Parish Councillor in Ruyton XI Towns I have oversight of our legal Rights-of-Way and the time has come for me to see if there are any other residents who would be interested in helping out.

Many Parishes in Shropshire have a 3 P Group who work in a scheme administered by Shropshire 
Council. Volunteers are provided with basic equipment and training for tasks including clearance work and the maintenance of stiles, gates and waymarks.

In our Parish we have one 'Byway open to all Traffic', a ½ mile track from Mill Lane up to Little Ness Road, 5 miles of Bridleways on which you can walk, ride or cycle and some 19 miles of Footpaths on which you can walk, and these connect with the Parishes around us.

It is the footpaths which need keeping an eye on because stiles and wicket gates can get overgrown with nettles, brambles and other overgrowth very quickly.  It is hoped to replace some of the stiles nearer to the village with pedestrian gates, so that those with mobility problems can use these footpaths.

Other ideas include introducing a large map of Our Local Rights-of-Way in the centre of our village and perhaps produce a few suggested local walks.

Anyone willing to spend just a few hours a year helping keep our footpaths available for all, as well 
as enjoying using the paths themselves, could they please contact me.
I will continue to do what I can in the Parish, but I do have another 3,350 miles to keep an overall eye on in the rest of Shropshire, and over 200 in Telford & Wrekin!! "

Trevor can be contacted by emailing or alternatively please give him a call
Tel 01939 260899
How to report Dog Fouling      Telephone 0345 678 9006

It is a persistent problem, local people and our contractors have to deal with it when maintaining our open spaces. Please report incidents providing as much information as possible, such as at what time the incidents are occurring, a description of the dog walker and dog, and where the fouling has occurred. You can also report the problem to: 

Shropshire Council - search dog fouling and you can complete an online form.

If you believe more dog poo bins are required in the parish, please discuss this with your local parish councillor and we will see what can be done.

Reductions in Local Government funding are placing at risk services you take for granted. Your Town or Parish Council could step in and fill the void in your community and could benefit from your skills & enthusiasm.

Why not become a Local Parish Councillor and help to make a difference !

Elections for Shropshire Town & Parish Councils will be held in May 2017

If you would like to be involved in shaping the future of your local community, why not stand for election? Find out more talk to a Parish Councillor or the Clerk, their contact details can be found on the Ruyton XI Towns PC website just a click away

Alternatively the Clerk Sue Hackett can be contacted by email on: or by Tel 01743 719012.
Ruyton XI Towns are trialing the start of an e-newsletter campaign,  which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish.

The Parish Council are very grateful in the excellent work Yoland Brown does keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to her for her efforts.

If you would like to sign up to this official Parish council newsletter mailing list then you can do so by clicking the link below.
Sign up to Parish Council Mailing List
World Mental Health Day

This Monday 10th October is World Mental Health Day, the theme is Dignity in Mental Health, to take mental health out of the shadows so that people feel more confident in tackling the stigma, isolation and discrimination that continues to plague people with mental health conditions and their families. 

Many individuals and groups are taking on challenges for fundraising, Ros and John Slowley will be undertaking a sponsored walk to support the event, viewing Rodneys Pillar from The Cliffe. 

It would be great if you could help us and donate as little or as much as you can as sponsorship, and share this information with others.  For some of the participants, these challenges will mean pushing themselves to the limit.

To donate, go to: 

For more information contact Ros Slowley Tel 01939 260444

The public are welcome to attend Parish Council Meetings. Council meetings are usually held on the second Monday of the month at The Victoria Room commencing at 7.30pm and begin with a public session; where local issues can be raised.

Meetings are to take place on:
14th November 2015
12th December 2016
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Shrewsbury, Shropshire Sy5 7EX
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