Road Safety & Traffic in our Village Presented by Ben Hamilton-Baillie
Venue: Ruyton XI Towns Village Hall
Saturday 19th November 2016 At 3.00pm
The impact of HGV and speeding traffic on our village has been identified by the Parish Council as one of the chief concerns of the local community.
Ben Hamilton-Baillie is one of the UK's leading practitioners exploring ways to help parish and town councils work with their highway authorities to improve village centres and rural roads...making them safer. This presentation is aimed at improving road safety in Ruyton and will help you understand the important factors influencing driver speeds and awareness, and outlines measures that can establish safer and more civilised use of public space.
Drawing on recent examples from across the UK and elsewhere, Ben will illustrate the key principles essential for coping with traffic in our rural villages.
It is important that there is local input; as such schemes are expensive and will reshape the village you know. The Parish Council needs your input to ensure: We get it right! You want us to do this! Your prepared for the cost!
Everyone is welcome to attend; there is no admission charge. For more details contact one of your local councillors or the Clerk; Sue Hackett T 01743 719012 email:
Your parish councillors contact details can be found on the Ruyton XI Towns PC Website
A New Oak Sapling at Olden Lane, Ruyton XI Towns is to be planted, replacing the one shown above.
The Clerk has secured a replacement young oak sapling thanks to David at Shropshire Council. Is there a volunteer willing to keep an eye on our new tree, water it during the summer and generally give it a little TLC? (Note no nappies or bottles involved !)
If your interested and can provide a helping hand please contact the Clerk, Sue Hackett; (contact details above) and I'll be glad to provide you with more details. We are hoping to plant the young newcomer in early December.
Monday 14th November 2016 At 7.30 p.m. The Victoria Room; Ruyton XI Towns
In summary the following are to be considered at the meeting:
Planning applications:
Reference: 16/04829/FUL & 16/0459/VAR Proposal: Erection of an agricultural shelter & variations to a existing garage building Butlers Barn, Elbridge, Ruyton XI Towns, Shropshire, SY4 1JJ
Reference: 16/03745/COU Address: Memorial Hall Church Street Ruyton XI Towns SY4 1LA Permanent change of use to Class A1, A3 and A5 use, (for consumption of hot and cold food on the premises and to take away).
Reference: 16/04594/EIA Erection of two additional poultry rearing buildings and one general purpose agricultural building, plus associated hardstanding and works. Fox Holes Farm, Little Ness, Shropshire
Improvements to Birch Grove Recreational Area and the possibility of improving road safety in the same area.
Tree Planting and Grants
The Village Christmas Tree
For full details please download the meeting agenda from the website The public are welcome to attend; Your Views are IMPORTANT.
Christmas is a wonderful, joyful time of the year however it can be an expensive and stressful time for some; particularly for those experiencing hardship or distress. Did you know the Parish of Ruyton XI Towns has a small Charitable Fund that can help individuals living in the Parish who are in need?
Applications can be made to the Trustees through the Clerk to the Parish Council or the Church. The range of help that can be given is comprehensive, although there are some restrictions on what a grant can be used for.
If you know someone who you think could benefit, or you want to know more, please contact the Clerk or Cllr Ros Slowley; now Chair of the Parish Council.
Any applications will be dealt with in the strictest confidence.
The public are welcome to attend Parish Council meetings. Council meetings are held usually on the second Monday of the month at The Victoria Room commencing at 7.30pm and begin with a public session; where local issues can be raised. Meetings are to take place on: Monday 12th December 2016 Monday 9th January 2017 Monday 13th February 2017
These dates may be subject to change so please refer to notice boards and the Parish Council's website 5 days prior to a meeting when detailed meeting agendas are made available. For Parish Council minutes, you can also refer to the Parish Council's website:
To report local non immediate police issues eg. If your car has been stolen, property damaged, you suspect drug use/dealings etc; please use 101. The more detailed and current information you can provide; the better. Your Local Police Team is there to help.
In emergencies when a crime is in progress and when there is danger to life always use 999.
Ruyton XI Towns are trialing the start of an e-newsletter campaign, which will contain the latest local news and information relating to our Parish.
The Parish Council are very grateful in the excellent work Yoland Brown does keeping residents informed and would like to say a special thank you to her for her efforts.
If you would like to sign up to this official Parish council newsletter mailing list then you can do so by clicking the link below.